The Higher the Climb, the Better the View
When still in our mother’s womb, we are one with the primordial essence. In our essence, we are as newborn children. We instinctively do what is good for us, without even having to think about it. We have unconditional confidence in our environment and in others. There is no conflict between our thoughts, our emotions and our instincts.
Beautiful Artwork by Josephine Walls. Much Gratitude and humble respect.
As our lives progress, our personality changes. We lose the primordial innocence as we are forced to adapt to adulthood in a society that deprives us of individuality and free choice. Our essence is gradually altered through environment, work, relationships and the things that are done to us and the things we do unto others. In our lives, we are victims and perpetrators at the same time, innocent yet responsible. During our life’s journey, we become alienated from our essence, from our true selves. This alienation may cause life to become useless or meaningless, a source of suffering.