zaterdag 4 maart 2017

A letter to President Trump.


Dear Mister President;

Dear MR.President,                                     04-03-2017

On Sunday Mister President, you go, as always, to the Church of Christ with your family.  As you know God is a "God of love", and in the church the priest is praying  about love, peace, respect and understanding for you Mister President, and for all who live.

In all probability, You pray every day for yourself to do well and succeed, and pray for your children and grandchildren, so they have a great, lovely and peaceful life, as I do every day and many other humans are doing, for our children, grandchildren and all life. We also know about the 10 Commandments.

God blesses You and America, and blesses all the people around this world, and all their lives. There are so many good and peaceful people, whose majority want to give a positive contribution for each society, as you want, Mister President Donald Trump.

There is only one world, one human race and the United States of America is part of this magnificent unique planet, and it is one of our priorities to leave this world behind clean, clear, free, peaceful and to guarantee a better future of our next generation.

Yes, Daesh (I.S.) is very bad and there are other people, who wants to do evil. You, Mr. President are now The President of the most powerful country in the world. But You and we are no dogs of war, no men of hate! No, we are men of love. You can stop what has begun. Even You and Your masters don't know the web they weave. We all have a dark side, to say the least. For hard cash, we will not lie and deceive. Love is the only way to find peace in the world and in human soul. What is more beautiful and powerful than love?

Dear Mister Trump, you are a great person and the most powerful man in this world as the President of such a super power as USA.  You  are standing on the top of the highest mountain in the world, and you would be even greater, stronger and higher, closer to God, when you provide prosperity, peace, freedom, and more, to ALL, in America and to the whole world.

Stop the influence of the corrupted establishment and bring the power back to the people as you promised.

Please, realize: "Darkness cannot  drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that". ( Martin Luther King)

The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. We need humanity, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost….We like to help everyone - if possible - Jew, Gentile - black man - white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that, have compassion.  President Trump, you and we, the human race, have the love of humanity in our hearts!  Only the unloved hate.

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “The Kingdom of God is within man” - not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you!

So, let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world - a decent world that will give (wo)men a chance to work, which provides a dignity, a new world,  that will give youth a future and old age a security.

President Trump, you are a great man, and even greater than great, as the man who has the opportunity to bring the peace to the world, work for ALL and stop the corruption of the elite.

You can bring prosperity for the whole world, because You truly understand the real problems of the people, which are, in between others: the injustice, extreme poverty, oppression of the people and the extreme wealth of a few.

You have the power to implement ALL of the mentioned here. History books will not stop to write about You as the best, greatest, most beloved President ever for America and for the whole world.

A  concerned citizen of the world,
Lanaria Amberkira   (Also inspired by Pink Floyd and Charlie Chaplin)            Edited by Gabriela Canastraro Kolodko.

Lanaria Amberkira                                                  

Video peacemessage:        

1 opmerking:

  1. Dear respectful,

    First of all, have a inspired and loving, beautiful weekend. Let us connect and unite and let one of us talk.

    This is a letter that is now spread all over the world. (This letter is sarcastic and cynical intended. A narcissist must always be approached with flattery and complimentary, otherwise you reach a narcissist not)

    According to my humble opinion is, unfortunately, too much pay attention to idle gossip, small and big egos.

    Why not good, positive feedback, because the majority wants peace and prosperity, but not through hatred and fear, intimidation, but through understanding, respect, common sense and LOVE.

    It is time that the media also emits different sounds, and if you want an interview with one of our members is of course possible.

    We have around 70 countries involved in our movement and there are almost 2,000 American friends, all very colorful members, from writers to Professors, page administrators to journalists.

    Some writers are, Ethan Indigo Smith, Wes Annac, Philip.J. Watts, Brandon Turbeville, Lance Schuttler, Ulonda Faye, Joris van Os en Jacob Slavenburg.

    Please let me know, when published, or when want to have a interview.

