woensdag 22 april 2020

5 items

These are 5 items i wrote on facebook during coronatimes, and would like to share here also:

1) 28 march. My opinion, because i observe, without hate, only because of compassion for the American people. I feel with you and i love all humans. When I listen to Trump's briefing, I hear a lot of chest throbbing and he really wants gratitude. He has no empathy for the people who are sick, dying and their families. and hardly any appreciation for the care staff. Also always attacking those who are critical. I also hear a lot of free advertising and he would rather sell the ventilators for a very good price to his so-called friendly countries that need help, than to give to American hospitals. He sees a ventitalors trade.🦉❤️✌️ 

2) 1 april. I hear the Dutch, Anglo-Saxon politicians and the world of capitalism saying: "We are doing our best" and I believe that too, but too late and there are too few tests, too little protective equipment, too few IC beds. For years, too much has been cut, health care staff are underpaid. in fact too much, too less. And people had been warned in advance, especially the governments knew what could coming.

3) 11 april. Dear White Rose Evolution friends, can you explain to me why there is so much difference of opinion between people who think that the corona virus is very dangerous and others are not? I am diabetic and 62+ and have had a lung disease, so maybe I react extra carefully, but sometimes I am lost in this. Maybe I am too naive? Many friends are not afraid of it. I am also hopefull and quite confident that things will eventually can get better after this crisis and that there is a chance that a new world with new ideas and new, especially young people will wake up after this. So at the end there is light, but I also want to see and experience that light before I leave this world. It seems that when you get sick from this virus it is very painful and also a very painful death if you don't recover. Many recover, but also too many dead, who die in solitude. I wish everyone much wisdom, safety, healthy and love in these strange and difficult times.

2) Yes, it is a major dilemma. Now that the economy has also come to a complete standstill, this is an additional major problem. People are dying of hunger in many poor countries, because no jobs, no money and especially the poor people are hit hard. It is always the poor who suffer. The rich are safe in their 2nd, or third house, or have a bunker, with swimming pool and sauna. And there will also be many more suicides and domestic violence will increase. Perhaps there is a provisional solution if the vulnerable and elderly, above 65, for example, stay at home until there is a vaccine and that healthy people can return to work after being tested. But then everyone should be tested who goes to work and cannot keep a distance of 2 meters. In fact, everyone, no matter how expensive the tests cost and repeat the tests. And then this. The doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, distribution drivers all those hero's doing a great job, but earn too little. So take care about these hero' s and care first for better protection and give them instantly more wages.

5) 21 april. I would like to share with you the Dutch tax contributions and it is somewhat variable, but it is very much and therefore, in case of this great need, one may now expect something in return for a lifetime of working and paying taxes. Broadly, there are at least three taxes. The first is: Income tax; Disc 1: up to € 68,507, 37.35% tax ; Disc 2: from € 68,508. 49.50% tax.  VAT: A tax on everything you buy, from food to gasoline. In general, 21% is paid on all goods and items bought. There are some exceptions, which fall under a lower rate, which is 9%. And there is a municipal tax, which includes sewers, cleaning, land rights and collection services. Is variable per municipality, but in most cases about 70 euros per month. So for every euro we earn, at least half goes to the state. And we are not talking about health insurance premiums and pension premiums, ect. 

THEREFORE, THE CARE SECTOR MAY AND SHOULD BE PROTECTED BETTER AND PAID BETTER AND IN FACT EVERYONE WHO NOW DOES THE DIFFICULT WORK and also those who have worked their whole lives, regardless of the cost of the tests, the intensive care- beds, the protections, the mouth masks. What about other countries? Stay safe and healthy.

zaterdag 4 januari 2020



The power of banks is increasing and people are more dependent.  In the past, banks were a service sector, now we provide services to the bank. Soon negative interest, more difficult to pay with cash and the implant chips are coming. (because the banks make it much more easier to pay, their sales story) Don't believe them.Its one side of the story. Also part of the  story. Pay more to be allowed to use the banks, more interest on loans, debts, mortgages. Not immediately, but slowly built up and always with good reasons (for the banks). 

De macht van banken neemt toe en mensen worden afhankelijker. Vroeger waren banken een dienstensector, nu verlenen we diensten aan de bank. In de nabije toekomst; Negatieve rente, moeilijker om contant te betalen en de implantaat-chips komen eraan. (omdat de banken het veel gemakkelijker maken om te betalen, hun verkoopverhaal) Geloof ze niet. Het is één kant van het verhaal. Ook onderdeel van het verhaal. Betaal meer om de banken te mogen gebruiken, meer rente op leningen, schulden, hypotheken. Niet meteen, maar langzaam opgebouwd en altijd met goede redenen (voor de banken).

Lanaria Amberkira( Peter van Els)4-01-2020

Blogpost: http://lanariaamberkira.blogspot.nl/

donderdag 2 januari 2020

Are we no longer Dreaming the same Dream?

Are we no longer Dreaming the same Dream?

Do we no longer believe that life and destiny are connected to everyone and everything that lives?

Or does our existence exist, focused solely on the acquisition of power and material prosperity, driven by greed to fill the spiritual emptiness.                

Every day we encounter the same urge for property and power, for many thousands of years, which comes at the expense of the less fortunate and the poor in our society.

Why do we accept that we are divided and controlled by the elite,
the richest, multi-nationals, the arms and oil industry, banks and pharmaceutical industries and by politicians who embrace this capitalist system and themselves and not the people.
Why do we have to be enemies?

We let our lives and have forgotten to really live.
We must free ourselves from the all-embracing greed and wrong habits. Allow common sense and love, open your hearts.

Everything is connected.
The Earth does not belong to humans,
man belongs to the Earth.
What happens to the Earth,
happens to the children of the Earth.
People come and go like the waves in the sea.
(Poem from the original inhabitants of America.)

The first steps in the evolution of ethics and human dignity are feelings of solidarity and empathy with other people.

Dromen we niet meer dezelfde droom?
Geloven we niet meer dat leven en bestemming verbonden is met alles en iedereen dat leeft?

Of bestaat ons bestaan, alleen nog maar gericht op het verwerven van macht en materiële welvaart, voortgejaagd door hebzucht om de spirituele leegte te vullen.

Nog dagelijks komen we dezelfde drang naar bezit en aanzien tegen, al vele duizenden jaren lang, die ten koste gaat van de minder gelukkigen en bedeelden in onze samenleving.

Waarom accepteren we, dat we verdeeld zijn en beheerst worden door de elite, 
de rijksten, multi-nationals, de wapen- en olie-industrie, banken en farmaceutische bedrijven
en door politici die dit kapitalistisch systeem omarmen en hunzelf steunen en niet het volk. 
Waarom moeten we vijanden zijn?

We laten ons leven en zijn vergeten om werkelijk te leven. 
We moeten ons bevrijden van de allesoverheersende hebzucht en verkeerde gewoonten.
Laat gezond verstand en liefde toe, open jullie harten.

Alles is verbonden met elkaar.
De Aarde behoort niet aan de mens,
de mens behoort aan de Aarde.
Wat er met de aarde gebeurt, 
gebeurt met de kinderen van de Aarde.
Mensen komen en gaan, als de golven in de zee.
(Gedicht van de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Amerika.)

De eerste stappen in de evolutie van ethiek en menselijke waardigheid,
zijn gevoelens van solidariteit en empathie met andere mensen.

Peter van Els, 02-01-2020
Blogpost: http://lanariaamberkira.blogspot.nl/